Class Details

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Social Club- NEW!

Join us at Recess for our new Social club! An opportunity to socialize with age-appropriate peers in a facilitated environment. The instructor will work with the participants to form connections through shared activities and games. Students will foster friendships while working on communication and social pragmatic skills.

*$250 for 5-week series


Join us for this enriching weekly art class with Zoe Rosenberg, Art Education teacher. Throughout this course we will explore a variety of materials and styles including fiber art, clay, watercolor, oil pastel, acrylic paint, recycled art sculptures, and more! This is an ideal class for young artists who are interested in exploring and developing their skills, building a portfolio, and trying out new materials and styles. Our project based curriculum will offer both guidance and choice to ensure that each participant feels accommodated and supported while being able to express their creativity freely! 


Food preparation and cooking are important life skills for increased independence and autonomy.  In this Cooking class we will practice following step by step instructions to prepare a variety of recipes and then enjoy what we have created. We can’t wait to see what delicacies are cooked up!


A dynamic class to address fitness goals. Class layout, content and delivery designed to meet the participants at their level and create progression. Focusing on core movement patterns to increase coordination and muscle tone, aerobic fitness and flexibility. Builds confidence in an exercise setting.


Learn the coolest moves and grooves in this Dance class. The class will consist of warm-up, groove session, play games and learn choreography, through the rhythm and beats of hip-hop and pop music.

Improv- New Rate!

The goal of this class is to prepare students to learn improv comedy while teaching students to challenge their imagination and build self-confidence through fun improv. Students will explore creativity in a safe and nurturing environment. The class will focus on the following: teaching the basics of improv, creating skits, stage presence, stage direction, theatre activities and more! 

*$175 for 60 mins class

Karate- NEW!

Kenshikai Karate with Jennifer Fremon emphasizes both physical and mental development. Children learn traditional karate techniques (punches, blocks, kicks, etc.), katas (forms), and overall strengthening and balance exercises. Classes are designed for students to learn at their own pace, and also include obstacle courses and stations that reinforce the skills we are working on.

Job Readiness- NEW!

This class caters to young adults who are interested in developing and applying workplace readiness skills such as communication, resume writing, interview prep, and volunteer opportunities. We will also incorporate problem solving, time management and decision-making skills.

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